Hoboken’s Washington Street named one of best in USA



Hoboken Washington Street 32c7499d-fdba-410c-a8f3-15cb12734358 We all  know that Hoboken is the coolest place to be in New Jersey, We love the constant hails of greetings and the endless smiles on so many of the people walking on Washington Street. However, for most people the subtle effects of the physical city around them is given little attention. This is a great award from a great Association
Washington Street APA Award and as a Attorney

that has practiced zoning law in Hoboken, Jersey City, Weehawken and the surrounding area I have had a lot of experience regarding the zoning process.  The fact that Hoboken retained it’s charm throughout the years is a testament to the steady hand of Hoboken’s City Planner, Elizabeth Vandor of Vandor and Vandor  She as quietly but firmly guided the City of Hoboken’s planning process since the early 80’s.  The very fact that she has survived the political minefield of Hoboken’s politics during such a politically turbulent period of time is testament to her integrity and professional foresight.  Continuity in the professionals advising Hoboken is a great thing if the right professionals are in place, and as a city we are lucky to have Elizabeth Vandor as our trusted professional.  When so much is written of the bad in local Hudson County Government I thought it important that some good news be spread around.

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